About Us

Meet Nadiya

For as long as I can remember, dogs have held a special place in my heart. Despite exploring various career paths, I’ve always been pulled back to working with dogs. Over the span of five years in the dog industry, particularly as a groomer, I’ve diligently refined my skills, gaining invaluable insights into the diverse needs of each furry companion.

Throughout my grooming journey, I’ve been privy to countless tales of dismay surrounding dog dental care, igniting a passion to be the change I wanted to see. It was this determination that fueled my decision to embark on a new path—one dedicated not only to advancing my career but also to making a positive impact in the lives of my clients and their beloved pets.

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Expertly Trained and Certified Care

Now, I’m thrilled to introduce the offering of sedation-free teeth cleaning following the successful completion of two comprehensive training programs. The first program, a rigorous 40+ hour eendeavour was a state-accredited course led by a distinguished veterinarian specializing in this field. Additionally, I attained certification from a reputable pet dental company in western Canada, boasting 12 years of industry leadership that sees 1000s of dogs a month.

With an unwavering dedication to excellence and armed with a wealth of knowledge accumulated over the years, I am wholeheartedly committed to continuing the hard work necessary to ensure that every dog I encounter leaves feeling not only content but also looking their very best.

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